It is hard travelling...
I have a decision to make. Do I stay in Cyprus for another month. Go to a salsa festival in Greece, and another one in Cyprus, and skip India and Nepal altogether.
Or do I stick with my original plan (with abit less time in India), and get to Nepal and check out the Himalayas...
On the one hand lots of salsa... and i could check out Nepal next year some time...
On the other it kinda defeats (part of) the point of staying for longer, ie so I can leave the villa keys with my parents...
And the salsa option will definately cost more money... and I will probably have to start watching my cash soonish...
I think I'm going to check out the mountains... they are calling me...
Muscle patch made from stem cells could treat heart failure
A patch made from lab-grown muscle cells boosted heart function in monkeys
with cardiovascular disease and is now being tested in humans
4 hours ago